* Flexibility to add your own options in synonym database to be spun.

Quick Article Spinner Features: * A vast library of synonyms to generate contemporary and unique content. It involves a simple and quick process that rewrites inimitable articles and helps to escape the duplicate content penalties. Quick Article Spinner unravels the treasure of creating several unique articles out of a single article.
ArticleVisa's Magic Article Generator is fully automatic with advanced parameters such as word count control, text rewriter, sentence shuffler and more.
This free article and essay generator software automatically construct unique and random articles on any topic within less than 30 seconds. This software literally writes article for you without any user input. You are looking at a breakthrough in artificial intelligence. Softwares Included: - Magic Asignment Writer - Magic Article Generator - Magic Article Rewriter - Magic Bibliography Generator - Magic Research Helper For more information about each software please click on the software title below. Save now by purchasing the ProWriter package instead of individual software. ProWriter contains all the award-winning software by ArticleVisa. With Dr Essay's Free Article Rewriter Software, you can either let the software rewrite your article automatically, or you may also manually replace each words with synonyms suggested by the software. There is no more headache trying to rewrite an article you found on the internet. The world's most advanced article rewriter has arrived. With ArticleVisa's Magic Article Rewriter, you can either let the software rewrite your article automatically, or you may also manually replace each words with.